Tsuki ga Kirei Wiki
Warning: content in this article contains spoilers from the anime. Read at your own risk!
Shigeru Tachibana
Shigeru Tachibana
Kanji 立花茂
Rōmaji Tachibana Shigeru
Character Information
Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown
Gender Male
Relatives Unknown
Occupation Teacher
First Appearance
Anime Episode 3
Voice Actor(s)
Japanese Shozo Sasaki

Shigeru Tachibana (立花 茂 Tachibana Shigeru) is one of the people who trains and help others for the Kawagoe festival and the one who plays the Flute.


He have black eyes and black hair. He always wears a pink outfit.


He is very kind to people and help them train. He is the one who says a good job at the end of the youngsters lesson.


Howling at the Moon[]

~ Main article: Episode 3 ~

He cleans the Kagura hall which is where they train in the morning. He was also there during Sunday's lesson.


  • The name Shigeru means "lush, luxuriant" (茂).
  • Shigeru's surname Tachibana means "standing" (立) (tachi) and "flower, blossom" (花) (hana/bana).